I’ll be honest and say that I don’t know Notion very well - I’ve tried it a few times and I just couldn’t quite click with me.
However, as I understand it, I would say:
- In terms of file storage, Notion doesn’t offer the same ability as DEVONThink to analyse the contents of a file
- Equally it doesn’t have the AI to make recommendations around similar files or the automation features that DT has.
I would say that it’s more of a note taking app like Obsidian but:
- Notion is much better set up for teams to work together on content. Obsidian isn’t really set up for multiple users.
- Obsidian is really just a wrapper for Markdown files stored on my laptop, rather than a proprietary format in the cloud.
- Therefore privacy is better with Obsidian because all my info is stored locally.
- Also, if Obsidian should shut up shop tomorrow, I could take those files and open them up in any other text editor. Because of Obsidian’s proprietary format, if they were to suddenly shut down, I’d have to spend weeks copying and pasting pages out of there.
So I guess the short answer is, similar to Obsidian, you can store files in Notion but you’d lose a number of features of a “best in breed” file management tool like DT.
If you don’t need those features though, then yeah absolutely.